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Unable to install FFMPEG along with cPanel

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  • Unable to install FFMPEG along with cPanel


    We tried just about everything to install FFMPEG along with cPanel on a CL machine and keep getting this error in WHM or CLI. Installing anything else works fine.

    Problem: package ffmpeg-devel-2.8.15-2.el7.nux.x86_64 requires ffmpeg-libs(x86- 64) = 2.8.15-2.el7.nux, but none of the providers can be installed
    - cannot install the best candidate for the job
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs-2.8.15-2.el7.nux .x86_64
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs-2.8.15-2.el7.nux. x86_64
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs-2.8.15-2.el7 .nux.x86_64
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs-2. 8.15-2.el7.nux.x86_64
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs- 2.8.15-2.el7.nux.x86_64
    - nothing provides needed by ffmpeg-libs-2.8.15-2.el 7.nux.x86_64
    (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

    ​Also tried --nobest without any success. Works fine on our CentOS machines. Any ideas?


  • #2

    First of all please understand that we do not provide FFmpeg libraries from our repos.
    Back to the error you got - how exactly you were trying to install them? I guess you followed the right? Do you have the "Nux Dextop" repo active on a server?

    Please show the output of:
    yum repolist


    • #3

      Yes I understand it's not in the repos. Tried the url mentioned along with many others. Again it works fine on test vps's with CentOS and Ubuntu. It's driving me crazy.

      [root@host ~]# yum repolist enabled
      This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
      repo id repo name
      Mysql-connectors-community MySQL Connectors Community
      Mysql-tools-community MySQL Tools Community
      Mysql80-community MySQL 8.0 Community Server
      appstream AlmaLinux 8.7 - AppStream
      baseos AlmaLinux 8.7 - BaseOS
      cl-ea4 CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4
      cl-ea4-testing CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4 - testing
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-1 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-10 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-2 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-3 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-4 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-5 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-6 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-7 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-8 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
      cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-9 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
      cloudlinux-rollout-1 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
      cloudlinux-rollout-10 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
      cloudlinux-rollout-2 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
      cloudlinux-rollout-3 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
      cloudlinux-rollout-4 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
      cloudlinux-rollout-5 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
      cloudlinux-rollout-6 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
      cloudlinux-rollout-7 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
      cloudlinux-rollout-8 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
      cloudlinux-rollout-9 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
      cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8 cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8
      cpanel-addons-production-feed cPanel Addons Production Feed
      cpanel-plugins cPanel Plugins project
      epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
      imunify360 EL-8 - Imunify360
      imunify360-rollout-1 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
      imunify360-rollout-2 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
      imunify360-rollout-3 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
      imunify360-rollout-4 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
      nux-dextop Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use
      powertools AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools
      repo.cloudlinux.com_cloudlinux_8_BaseOS_x86_64_os_ created by dnf config-manager from
      [root@host ~]#


      • #4
        Okay, I see. The Nux repo does not provide packages for CL8 and tries installing a package for v7: 2.8.15-2.el7.nux.x86_64

        How were you able to install it on a test CentOS 8 machine? Can you provide the steps?


        • #5
          Think we got this worked out. Ended up using rpmfusion's rpm the nux-dextop doesn't seem to work on CL8. If that helps anyone.
          Last edited by Addam; 12-15-2022, 08:07 AM.


          • #6
            Got it on CentOS 7, but I didn't try it on 8.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Addam View Post
              Got it on CentOS 7, but I didn't try it on 8.tiny fishing
              What's going on when you try it on 8?
              Last edited by Alwass1938; 10-20-2023, 01:09 AM.

