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MySQL Governor failing

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    Unfortunately there is no enough information to understand what happened, that's why it's better to create ticket for us.

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  • mosenthde
    and you dont have comment about mysql.d service?
    that failed is related with db governor?

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    Well, all the operations could be dangerous and can lead to data loss. Better to hire expert for them if you already faced some issues.

    There are few ways to restore databases from backup depending on what was done.
    1. If you have made the dump of all databases it will be something like:
    mysql -u root < alldatabases.sql
    2. If you have made a full copy of /var/lib/mysql with stopped mysql service then just rename the existing one to be on a safe place and then restore the directory from backup.

    The commands of yum install and then --delete are not doing any changes to the databases themselves and should not be the core of the issue. Please create a ticket for us to investigate the issue in place.

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  • mosenthde
    thanks for the tips,
    but i have a question, how we can restore that mysqldump after backup if something went wrong?
    i did reinstall db governor 3 days ago and got error and whole mysql service gone and afraid to run that command.
    this command ruined my server:
    yum install governor-mysql
    /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --delete

    and i want to say something maybe not related with db governor problem:
    mysqld service its failed in my server
    mysql service is active
    mariadb is active too
    are these related?
    mysqld serive failed with db governor problem?

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    The backup of /var/lib/mysql is not enough, you would have to dump all databases first:

    About the screenshot - the second command looks somehow weird. After you have a good backup please copy-paste just the second command separately.

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  • mosenthde
    i attached it.
    get backup from var/lib/mysql directory is enough?
    Attached Files

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    Have you issued the right command? Could you please show the screenshot including the command itself?

    And, by the way, please make sure you have databases backup just to stay safe.

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  • mosenthde
    hi again and thanks for your reply,
    i used first command with success result:
    Now set MySQL to type 'mariadb106'
    but second command doing nothing:
    usage: install-mysql [-h] [--verbose]
                         [--mysql-version {auto,mysql51,mysql55,mysql56,mysql57,mysql80,mariadb55,mariadb100,mariadb101,mariadb102,mariadb103,mariadb104,mariadb105,mariadb106,percona56}]
                         [-i] [-d] [--install-beta] [-c] [-m] [-t]
                         [--fix-cpanel-hooks] [--update-cpanel-hooks] [--force]
                         [-u] [--update-mysql-beta] [--fs-suid] [--yes]
                         [--list-saved-files] [--save-file-to-storage STORE_SAVE]
                         [--restore-file-from-storage STORE_RESTORE]
                         [--save-files-from-list] [--restore-all-files]
                         [--clean-storage] [--correct-cl7-service-name]
                         [--output-commands] [--show-previous-packages]
                         [--install-from-history INSTALL_FROM_HISTORY]
                         [--clear-history] [--correct-cloud-version]
                         [--fix-config] [--fix-mysqld-service]
                         [--update-config-auth] [--wizard] [--status]
    install-mysql: error: unrecognized arguments: --install​​
    i know that about db governor, we have +300 account without limitaion
    and db governor worked fine before now.

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    Originally posted by mosenthde View Post
    sorry for new reply on old topic,
    my db governor not working and have Malfunction error,
    i have error in dbgovernor-error.log:
    Incorrect mysql version
    mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.15-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
    and db_governor is not working
    db governor version is 1.2-93
    so how i can fix this?
    my sql usage is very high and i need to enable db governor.

    Have you installed the MySQL Governor properly according to this documentation? You have to select the proper version first - the mariadb106 then do the install
    /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --mysql-version=mariadb106
    /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --install​
    However, please understand that MySQL governor is not designed to reduce the MySQL usage by it's own. It is just a limiting feature for user's queries and if somebody is overusing the resources his queries would be throttled, so most likely number of them will rise.

    Better to use to optimize MySQL as much as possible.

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  • mosenthde
    sorry for new reply on old topic,
    my db governor not working and have Malfunction error,
    i have error in dbgovernor-error.log:
    Incorrect mysql version
    mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.15-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
    and db_governor is not working
    db governor version is 1.2-93
    so how i can fix this?
    my sql usage is very high and i need to enable db governor.

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    Morten, could you please create a ticket in our support system? We would really like to investigate it in place. The log says that not installed our meta packages, which provides needed MySQL-* packages. But I can tell exactly, need to check the list of installed packages, options of cPanel, list of db_governor options.

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  • morten
    It did work fine to upgrade other server without MySQL Governor.
    But not sure if its Governor fault....

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  • morten
    My post didnt get posted....maybee too long. Did just get a yellow text with "message text".

    Well, they did some and said it was fixed.

    But now I cannot upgrade cPanel and getting these errors:
    [2015-06-16 21:51:07 +0200] All files Staged
    [2015-06-16 21:51:07 +0200] Testing if the newly downloaded RPMS can be installed without conflict
    [2015-06-16 21:51:07 +0200] Testing RPM transaction
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] error: Failed dependencies:
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] W Exit Code: 183
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the RPMs will install: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-horde-5.1.4-11.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-client is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] MySQL-server is needed by cpanel-php54-webmail-5.1.1-1.cp1150.noarch
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] see for more information
    [2015-06-16 21:51:08 +0200] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
    => Log closed Tue Jun 16 21:51:08 2015

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    But that is cpanel-like ticket ID, not from our support system. Was it resolved already? How things are going?

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  • morten
    Ticket 6642037

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