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Using Cloudlinux on Amazon EC2 set up for a webhosting business

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  • Using Cloudlinux on Amazon EC2 set up for a webhosting business

    Cloudlinux recently released several AMIs for Amazon AWS EC2 cloud server instances with either CPanel or Parallel Plesk Panel:

    Additionally a press release with general information on this for webhosting companies:

    Looking to easily create and deploying isolated cloudlinux virtual private servers (vps) as part of a webhosting business delivery built on AWS Amazon several questions to visualize and clearly understand the required set up and possibly additional requirements:

    1. Am I correct that the CloudLinux amis on AWS are only available for deployment on small ec2 server instances? When do you expect other CloudLinux amis to become available for the larger EC2 instances ?

    2. Being familiar with manually launching an ami for an AWS EC2 through the main AWS Management Console what possibilties (and needed thrird party extensions) would exist for a - preferably (semi) automated end customer self service - solution ?

    Ideally a prospective customer would be able to order a cloudlinux vps through a panel (which one?), is invoiced, executes payment and then - after creation of an AWS EC2 account - the ami is automatically created and the cloud vps becomes available ...

    What sort of set up would be required to achieve the above?

    Do we need a higher level set up (additional Admin/Control Panel) above the AWS EC2 server ... ?

    I am in a general sense familiar with CPanel + WHMCS and Parallels Plesk and have read a little about Parallels H-Sphere but have so far been limited to sole personal use of Webmin with an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on Amazon EC2. A not very suitable setup for an efficient (self service) webhosting business for third parties ....

    3. Cpanel / Parallels Plesk on AWS EC2 with the Cloudlinux ami what to (not) expect and assessing suitability for a webhosting scenario:

    Should the thus launched and deployed EC2 instance be seen as ONE private virtual server for use by ONE customer?
    Logging into his Admin/Control Panel of choice (Parallels Plesk or CPanel) this one customer can then - using Softaculous - easily one click deploy various installations and create websites etc.

    Can the ONE customer using this ONE VPS on EC2 also run a shared webhosting business" creating various user accounts in CPanel / Plesk Panel where his customers
    un their own webspaces on this one VPS ?

    With ( a part of Softaculous ) deployed on AWS EC2 - after persistent questioning - it turned out only ONE single user account would created for the Webuzo EC2 server. Meaning effectively no possibilities for creating other third party accounts for hosting customers. Access for customers - website administrators - could be granted after prior manual launching of the webapplication by the ONE single user. A severe limitation .... !

    Is it possible to create more than one Cloudlinux vps (multiple Cloudlinux VPS ) on the one EC2 instance or is the use case limited to a shared hosting environment on the EC2 instance ?

    4. What sort of set up would be needed to easily administrate and maintain a number of AWS EC2 Cloud instances - as an overall webhosting framework for various customers with ether their own shared hosting webspaces or alternatively their own VPS. The before created with Cloudlinux amis?

    Thanks for your reply.

  • #2
    1. It should be possible to deploy it on any size EC2 instance (but only 64 bit)
    2. I am sorry -- but we dont want to do AWS management. There are a lot of companies doing that.
    3. I am sorry - but this all was done for shared hosting, not single customer.
    4. This is a question for AWS, and independent from CloudLinux.

