feature request
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network limits
I found this discussion started some time ago
here http://www.cloudlinux.com/solutions/...7/#message1447and here http://www.cloudlinux.com/solutions/...2/#message1302
I just wanted to know is there any progress for network limits feature? According to Igors posts fr om above threads we could get network limits with interface virtualization or packets marking with LVE id.
Im asking because we are getting issues with DoS attacks originating from our users. These incidents sometimes lead to outage on our servers. The goal is to have an ability to lim it single tenant on network speed, bytes and packets per second. Possibly we can use owner match for iptables but wed like to avoid creating endless list of iptables and qos rules. I think virtualized network interface fits here the best. Additionally virtual nic should allow ip binding for each user.
Please let us know is there any plan for that feature.
This is important feature for Shared hosting.
some users offering downloads in hidden way and using massive amount of network.
its hard to find it. because they not using high amount of CPU/ RAM/ IO.
it will also affect other users.
Any solution ?
This feature is also needed to allow memcached server (or other port/socket service) per user without needing SASL on a single shared hosting server. You can run memcached on the port/socket for that just that user via LVE ID so no other users could connect to that memcached port/socket (or other port/socket service).
Im bumping up this thread. Virtual networking or any other implementation that would allow per user network control is really needed feature in shared hosting. Of course I can try to work around user-network related issues with iptables and/or glibc wrappers but I dont think this the good way for LVE.
As you stated in this post http://www.cloudlinux.com/solutions/...7/#message1447 LVE ID packet marking would be something. I consider virtual network better though.
Its 3 years since we started on this. I hate to say this but you have big competition here: http://www.betterlinux.com/bandwidth.php. Please consider this feature one more time.
Someone was actually faster than mehttp://cloudlinux.uservoice.com/foru...twork-activity
Anyone interested in this feature please Vote! Thank you!