I currently run a VPS, its hardly using any of the resources available to it and CloudLinux keeps everything running smoothly.
It currently runs CentOS, cPanel and CloudLinux with about 10 accounts and my Munin graphs show idle CPU at over 300% and free memory around 500Mb (theres also 940Mb in cache).
My son is into Minecraft and at the moment I also pay for a Digital Ocean server, its only $5 per month, but seeing as though I have all this spare resources on my main VPS I am wondering If I can also put Minecraft on there and use CloudLInux to ensure that Minecraft doesnt take more than say 1 CPU and 512 Mb of memory. Theres only ever him and a few of his mates that use it.
How would i go about doing this. I am ok with installing and running Minecraft, I just want to know how CloudLinux would pick up the details.
Thanks in advance.
I currently run a VPS, its hardly using any of the resources available to it and CloudLinux keeps everything running smoothly.
It currently runs CentOS, cPanel and CloudLinux with about 10 accounts and my Munin graphs show idle CPU at over 300% and free memory around 500Mb (theres also 940Mb in cache).
My son is into Minecraft and at the moment I also pay for a Digital Ocean server, its only $5 per month, but seeing as though I have all this spare resources on my main VPS I am wondering If I can also put Minecraft on there and use CloudLInux to ensure that Minecraft doesnt take more than say 1 CPU and 512 Mb of memory. Theres only ever him and a few of his mates that use it.
How would i go about doing this. I am ok with installing and running Minecraft, I just want to know how CloudLinux would pick up the details.
Thanks in advance.