> Did you get this issue resolved? I am facing the same problem ...
Hello Markus,
Thank you for contacting us. Support of Debian 10 will be available from 5.6 release. ETA is October/November this year.
No announcement yet.
Imunify 360 not install on Plesk Obsidian
Did you get this issue resolved? I am facing the same problem ...
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Thank you for continuing! Our specialists will answer you on the ticket as quickly as possible.
Thanks, Have a great day too!
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Hi dear Sergey Khristich,
I have created a suppot ticket.
Thanks for the support and good day for you.
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Thank you for reaching out! To help you with these questions we need a little bit more information, please create a ticket here https://cloudlinux.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and technical experts will help you asap.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here. Thank you for contacting us.
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Imunify 360 not install on Plesk Obsidian
Operating System: Debian 10.4 - 64 bit
Control Panel: Plesk Obsidian v18.0.28_build1800200720.10
Imunify 360 not install on Plesk Obsidian.
# START Installation LOG:
Installation daemon created pid file /usr/local/psa/var/modules/imunify360/installation.pid
Installation daemon forked first time
Installation daemon forked second time
Installation daemon initialized
Starting i360deploy.sh
Detecting ostype... debian
Checking for an update to i360deploy.sh
Downloading i360deploy.sh.repo_version (please wait)
New version (2.19) of i360deploy.sh detected
OK, executing i360deploy.sh.repo_version
Download of i360deploy.sh 2.19 successful
Run /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/imunify360/i360deploy.sh -y --force
Detecting ostype... debian
Skipping check version
In a few moments the script will install latest imunify360-firewall package (w/dependencies)... (Ctrl-C to cancel)
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package gnupg-curl
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.M8eO5s4W0q/gpg.1.sh --fetch-keys https://(https://repo.imunify360.clo...KEY-CloudLinux
gpg: requesting key from https://](https://repo.imunify360.cl...EY-CloudLinux)https://(https://repo.imunify360.clo...KEY-CloudLinux
gpg: key 8C55A6628608CB71: "CloudLinux Packager (CloudLinux Key) Ign:7 https://](https://repo.imunify360.cl...EY-CloudLinux)https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.c...y360/ubuntu/10 buster InRelease
Err:8 https://(https://repo.imunify360.clo...360/ubuntu/10)https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.c...y360/ubuntu/10 buster Release
404 Not Found [IP: 443]
Hit:9 https://(https://repo.imunify360.clo...lcare-debian/9 stable InRelease
Reading package lists...
E: The repository https://](https://repo.cloudlinux.co...care-debian/9)https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.c...y360/ubuntu/10 buster Release does not have a Release file.
apt-get update error."
# END Installation LOG
In addition, Imunify 360 does not perform any compatibility checks before installing itself without completing the installation.
Imunify 360 support Debian 10 and if it does not support it you have an ETA for its support or a beta version ?
Imunify 360 support Ubuntu 20.4 and if it does not support it you have an ETA for its support or a beta version ?
Imunify QuickPatch from the official Plesk Extension page result, as you write and quote "The Imunify QuickPatch extension is compatible with all operating systems supported by Plesk for Linux except for CloudLinux."
This is the preinstallation error message:
The execution of pre-install.php has failed with the following message:
Pre-install check failed: Debian 10.0 is not a supported OS
Imunify QuickPatch support Debian 10 and if it does not support it you have an ETA for its support or a beta version ?
Imunify QuickPatch support Ubuntu 20.4 and if it does not support it you have an ETA for its support or a beta version ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
Same topic opened in the official support Forum of Plesk Extensions for Imunify 360 and Imunify QuickPatch at this link: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/imuni...sidian.357494/(https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.com/imunify360/ubuntu/10)Tags: None
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