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NODEJS Selector not working

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  • NODEJS Selector not working

    I have been trying to install nodejs version via the nodejs selector but after loading, nothing happens. I even used then command line and i got the success json response but nothing appears on the selector.

    When i tried yum groupinstall alt-nodejs, i get Module alt-nodejs not available.

    Im on cloudlinux 9.5.1 release

  • #2
    Looks strange, the group and packages should be there. What control panel do you use?

    Is this server licensed? Please double check with article.


    • #3
      Thank you for your response. I use cpanel and its is licensed


      • #4
        I have uninstalled cloudlinux and reinstalled it yet i get same issue.

        My concern is even the yum groupinstall alt-nodejs which returns Module or Group 'alt-nodejs' is not available.
        when i run manual installation for a nodejs version it works shows to be installed but on nodejs selector its not there


        • #5
          Just out of curiosity, could you please try to install it from WHM > CloudLinux Manager > Options > NodeJS ? Any errors there?

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250127_100359.png
Views:	75
Size:	134.7 KB
ID:	40452


          • #6
            Thank you for your response. No error is displayed at all. It only loads and stops but not installed.


            • #7
              Interesting, Please provide the output of:
              yum repolist

              Then try to clear data and check for groups:
              yum clean all
              yum makecache
              yum grouplist | grep nodejs


              • #8
                Thank you for the response:

                yum grouplist | grep nodejs returned an empty response.


                [root@host ~]# yum repolist
                This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
                repo id repo name
                EA4-c9 EA4 ( EasyApache 4 - c9 )
                appstream AlmaLinux 9.5 - AppStream
                baseos AlmaLinux 9.5 - BaseOS
                cl-ea4 CloudLinux 9 EasyApache4
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-1 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-10 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-11 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 11
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-12 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 12
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-13 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 13
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-14 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 14
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-2 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-3 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-4 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-5 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-6 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-7 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-8 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
                cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-9 CloudLinux-EA4-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
                cloudlinux-rollout-1 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
                cloudlinux-rollout-10 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
                cloudlinux-rollout-11 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 11
                cloudlinux-rollout-12 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 12
                cloudlinux-rollout-13 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 13
                cloudlinux-rollout-14 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 14
                cloudlinux-rollout-15 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 15
                cloudlinux-rollout-16 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 16
                cloudlinux-rollout-2 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
                cloudlinux-rollout-3 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
                cloudlinux-rollout-4 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
                cloudlinux-rollout-5 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
                cloudlinux-rollout-6 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
                cloudlinux-rollout-7 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
                cloudlinux-rollout-8 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
                cloudlinux-rollout-9 CloudLinux-9 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
                cloudlinux9 cloudlinux9
                cpanel-addons-production-feed cPanel Addons Production Feed
                cpanel-plugins cPanel Plugins project
                crb AlmaLinux 9.5 - CRB
                epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
                epel-cisco-openh264 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
                imunify360 EL-9 - Imunify360
                imunify360-rollout-1 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
                imunify360-rollout-2 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
                imunify360-rollout-3 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
                imunify360-rollout-4 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
                imunify360-rollout-5 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
                imunify360-rollout-6 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot
                imunify360-rollout-7 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
                imunify360-rollout-8 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
                kernelcare kernelcare
                repo.cloudlinux.com_cloudlinux_9_BaseOS_x86_64_os_ created by dnf config-manager from​


                • #9
                  Interesting, let's do the last shot
                  Please show an output if any:

                  grep -i group /etc/yum* -Rs
                  yum grouplist hidden | grep nodejs
                  yum grouplist | head


                  • #10
                    Thanks for your response and sorry for the late reply.

                    First two commands returned empty but the third command response is:
                    yum grouplist | head
                    This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
                    Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:42 ago on Sat 01 Mar 2025 04:04:07 AM GMT.
                    Available Environment Groups:
                    Server with GUI
                    CloudLinux OS (minimal)
                    KDE Plasma Workspaces
                    Virtualization Host
                    Custom Operating System​


                    • #11
                      This is a mystery, and I am currently out of ideas. Could you please create a support ticket so that we can investigate the issue?

