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Mysql governer still beta ?

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  • Mysql governer still beta ?

    Is there a reason why mysql governer is still in beta ?

    Should we concider it as stable ? production worthy ?

  • #2
    It is in beta because it doesn work the way we want. The way we want it to work is that you install it -- and right away your mysql becomes more stable.
    Current generation of MySQL governor has 13 limits which are confusing to set, and it reacts only once query is finished.
    The next generation of MySQL governor due in beta next week will have just 3 limits (CPU, IO Read, IO Write), will be real time -- and based on our testing so far, has all the chances to go into production by the end of the September.


    • #3
      Great news, the new version sounds much better !


      • #4
        I using new mysql governor, i dont know why all sites can connect to database


        • #5
          It is still beta, and there is a bug right now that could cause that. Please, wait until next release.


          • #6
            > has all the chances to go into production by the end of the September.

            Is there any updates on this?


            • #7
              That didn work out -- but the latest release works very nice. We have to finish porting it to 5.0 MySQL - but the chances of MySQL governor being out in production by the end of this month are quite high.

