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problem with virtual memory usage

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  • problem with virtual memory usage

    I have one customer which has about 800 unique visitor per day. Website is based on joomla 1.5

    He has about 9-10 php processes, and each of them has memory usage:

    30 MB real memory, and 440 virtual memory

    So the sum of virtual memory is ~4GB !!

    Is it correct behavior of LVE ? The standard limit of LVE z cPanel is 1GB of virtual memory - I can rise up this limit, but why virtual memory is so big ?

    What can I do to have virtual memory usage smaller ?

  • #2
    Disable virtual memory (if you are on CL6), and just use physical memory.


    • #3
      Yes - great, tahnks ! But how to disable virtual memory ?


      • #4
        Set it to 0


        • #5
          in /etc/container/ve.cfg ?
          or ?

          any FAQ about this ?

          I tried:
          lvectl set 567 --vmem=0

          but now I see in customer cPanel memory limit=0


          • #6
            The best way is via LVE Manager

            But what you did is also correct (lvectl command) -- 0 means disabled.


            • #7
              This LVE Manager is testing - is it stable enough ?

              What I did is not probably correct:

              I would not disable memory limit at all, but only disable "virtual memory" and enable "physical memory" limit.

              How to check fr om command line virtual and physycal memory limit per LVE ?
              and how to set this limits from command line ?

              which memory lim it will be shown in customer cPanel ?


              • #8
                The stable version also exists, just do:
                yum install lvemanager

                To check limits from command line:
                lvectl list

                With the new LVE Manager -- enabled memory limit. As long as you have pmem enabled & vmem disabled, only pmem will show up.


                • #9
                  Great ! - this new LVE mamager works ok - I can limit pMem ...

                  There is only one problem - in cPanel is shown:

                  Virtual Memory Usage 223704 / 0 KB
                  and this prograss bar is RED

                  but 0KB is not "limit" - it is "unlimited".

                  Works ok, but looks terrible for customers ...


                  • #10
                    Sorry, I forgot about that bug. It was fixed in beta version: yum update lvemanager --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing
                    Or wait for another 2-3 weeks, until we are ready to push it to production.


                    • #11
                      Around this same topic I noticed a few websites of our give Internal Server Errors on some pages. I tracked it down to this:

                      Cannot allocate memory: couldn create child process: /opt/suphp/sbin/suphp

                      It showed up many times in httpd error log for alot of sites. I then logged in cpanel and checked each site out and noticed they utilized the total 512 MB of virtual memory given and these were mostly basic Wordpress sites.

                      I decided to double this amount to 1024 - is this ok? or would you recommend I still disable this completely as per your recommendation above?
                      Hostking | Since 2013 | Web Hosting | WordPress Web Hosting


                      • #12

                        Does 0 still disable virtual memory or should we upd ate this?

                        I see next to virtual memory in lve manager this following: (0 - unlimited)

                        0 seems to mean unlimited? not disabled and I see I se t it 128 MB of physical memory as the limit but I see 2 or 3 sites constantly going to 202 and 184 in the MEM column?

                        Am I missing somthing?
                        Hostking | Since 2013 | Web Hosting | WordPress Web Hosting


                        • #13
                          disabled / unlimited / 0 -> all mean the same thing.


                          • #14
                            So what you saying means that the MEM column when I look at LVETOP is showing me memory usage in Physical when I have placed a 0 in LVE Manager for Virtual?

                            Is this correct?
                            Hostking | Since 2013 | Web Hosting | WordPress Web Hosting

