I like the idea of throwing a 503 service temporarily unavailable, it works and some of our customers already experiencing it.
However, may I know how to explain it to our customer? Under what condition will 503 error disappear?
Currently there is only CPU and I/O limit in the configuration file, by default it set as
<cpu limit=" 25"></cpu>
<io limit=" 25"></io>
<other maxentryprocs=" 20"></other>
I do not understand what this 25 means, can you enlighten me about it?
Information like this should be updated into the Docs:
However, may I know how to explain it to our customer? Under what condition will 503 error disappear?
Currently there is only CPU and I/O limit in the configuration file, by default it set as
<cpu limit=" 25"></cpu>
<io limit=" 25"></io>
<other maxentryprocs=" 20"></other>
I do not understand what this 25 means, can you enlighten me about it?
Information like this should be updated into the Docs: