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  • lveps

    lveps -n

  • #2
    Could you explain why in the output below, only one UID was found, the rest are N/A ?
    lveps -n

    LVE    REF    PNO    TNO    UID    GID    CPU    MEM    I/O
    32125      1      2      2    N/A    N/A  12653  23984    N/A
    32049      0      1      1  32049  32051   1931      0    N/A
    32010      1      2      2    N/A    N/A   6169  31268    N/A
    587      1      2      2    N/A    N/A  25376  37344    N/A
    586      1      2      2    N/A    N/A  74986  67224    N/A
    584      1      2      2    N/A    N/A  10104  30256    N/A
    If we use the -p switch we see some usernames but one (584) is N/A. Why is that?
    lveps -p

    LVE    REF    PNO    PID    TNO    TID    USR    GRP    CPU    MEM    I/O
    587      0      1    ---      1    ---serjudioserjudio  25450      0    N/A
    ---    ---   8699    ---   8699serjudioserjudio      0      0    N/A
    584      2      3    ---      3    ---    N/A    N/A  10182  48080    N/A
    ---    ---   8750    ---   8750wwwistiwwwisti      0      0    N/A
    ---    ---   8287    ---   8287 nobody nobody      0  23960    N/A
    ---    ---   6771    ---   6771 nobody nobody      0  24120    N/A
    Also, is it possible to print the username of LVE rather than a number? We have to go to /etc/passwd to see what account is using what resource.


    • #3
      USR/GRP output is outdated. We originally planned to switch user context for mod_php, etc... but later decided it is too big of a security risk.
      Right now they show user/groups of processes within LVE, and N/A if processes belong to several users (like nobody & wwwisti)

      LVE field on the other hand would often (almost always) match user id from /etc/passwd file

      Almost -- because with tools like lve_suwrapper you can run any processes within any LVE, even if such user id doesn exist.


      • #4
        Thanks for the answer Igor, I think we will be turning our 30 trial into a purchase, this is a great tool. Congrats !

