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Plesk and multiple versions of PHP (5.3+5.5), adding extensions for non-native PHP version

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  • Plesk and multiple versions of PHP (5.3+5.5), adding extensions for non-native PHP version

    Which is the best way (other than compiling) to install packages like php-soap and xdebug for the alternative PHP version ?

  • #2

    I am trying to install a few modules for the alternative version of PHP (both enabled on Plesk, php 5.3 and 5.5) but If I install a package using yum it will be available only for PHP 5.3 (native version). But PHP 5.5 will not have it.

    Is there a way to install php extensions for PHP5.5 using yum as well ? I try to avoid compiling, not because I have any problems compiling, it is just annoying and probably unnecessary and I would like to know how to do it the "cloudlinux" way.

    I have also installed PHP Selector for Plesk, but it will only display current installed modules in the PHP extensions settings, so I cannot really enable soap or xdebug if it was not there. Am I missing something ?

    Any comment or advice will be appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    OS CloudLinux Server 6.5 (Pavel Popovich) Plesk Panel version 11.5.30 Update #32, last updated at Feb 7, 2014 03:40 AM

    The system is up-to-date; last checked at Feb 9, 2014 03:37 AM


    • #3
      Got the answer after re-reading documentation

        yum groupinstall alt-php:
      Then packages names are alt-phpXX-module

