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Difference between mysql governor and db governor

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  • d33paks0ni52
    Thanks Richard Hordern & Igor Seletskiy for the information.

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  • iseletsk
    Yes, please, use latest beta version.
    We are working on two more things before we will name it stable:
    1. statistical info, so you can lookup what have happened in the past day, week, etc...
    2. cPanel GUI plugin.
    Once we have it done, we will name it stable, and start working on pugins for other control panels.

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  • clm
    You should use the latest version, but its still in beta.

    Maybe Igor or a member of staff can confirm how close the latest version is to being released as stable and if we can concider installing it on a production server or if we should wait a bit longer…

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  • Difference between mysql governor and db governor

    Hi ,

    The below two urls made me a bit confused about mysql governor and dbgovernor.Is there any difference between mysql governor and dbgovernor or both are same ? (As configuration file is different)
    Below url is showing the configuration file name is "/etc/container/mysql-governor.xml"

    Below url showing the configuration file name is "/etc/container/db-governor.xml"

    If both are different then which stable version of mysql governor I should install

    Please also let me know how can I check which version of db-governor or mysql-governor I have installed on server.