Hello,[br][br]We use Zabbix for monitoring. In CloudLinux zabbix-agent can see the number of processes for httpd, sshd and mysql. The solution according to another forum is to set the Zabbix group in /etc/sysctl.conf with fs.proc_super_gid.[br][br]But fs.proc_super_gid is already set: fs.proc_super_gid=500[br]Group 500 is: psaadm:x:500
saadm,sw-cp-server - Its the group of the Plesk system users and was set automatically.[br][br]How can I add a second group 493?[br][br]Is there a special syntax? Adding the line twice did not work, neither did fs.proc_super_gid=500,493.[br]Or is it ok to create a separate group and add the users of these two groups? Would that have any security implications?[br][br]Kind regards[br][br]-Stephan
