This saved me. Ive been stuck for hours thinking this task would take a few minutes to move the mysql directory.
Turned out I just had to what was mentioned above in the /etc/cagefs/ and all is working. Thanks guys.
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Enabling CageFS breaks M?YSQL after moving MYSQL Installation
mysql.sock is not available inside cagefs. If you cannot fix it yourself, please, contact our support at
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ok so we tried this. and after completing we had to revert as no sites would work with cagefs enabled or disabled
As it turns out some sites need to have it enabled currently in order to work (wordpress mainly ) and some need to be left disabled in order to work (Joomla sites and some custom php sites , magento for example.)
Any ideas why this might be happening?
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Simon, you should add a new mysql directory to mountpoints of cagefs, this is done with /etc/cagefs/ , and after that execute cagefsct --remount-all . Basically just socket is needed from there .
To be safe - try to enable cagefs for one account first, and if all Ok do enable all the rest.
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Enabling CageFS breaks M?YSQL after moving MYSQL Installation
Our server was hitting 100% in the mysql directory for various reasons.
We moved it to /home instead and all seemed to be working well.
However none of the websites would work. All gave a Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL. Error when trying to connect.
After hours of various tests i noticed that one site was working. After checking this site did not have CageFS enabled.
so i disabled it for every other accoutn and Voila they all work.
Im assuming there must be some sort of setting or perhaps a recompile that needs to happen for me to utilise CageFS after having moved the MYSQL folder to another location
Could you advise what i need to do
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