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Problems with the Yandex search robot accessing the site with Imunify360

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  • Problems with the Yandex search robot accessing the site with Imunify360

    Hello. I am the developer of a WordPress website based on the hosting service We are faced with a serious problem, as a result of which many pages of the site randomly disappear from Yandex search results, and also positions in Google results suffer, so I think this also affects Google
    The essence of the problem is that the search robot with high frequency receives in response a page with meta tags noindex nofollows and the message One moment please. At the same time, the robot provides information that the server of this page is imunify360-webshield/1.21
    Our hosting uses a control panel, on which the Imunify360 security system operates
    Unfortunately, turning off the monitor in the tool settings and clearing the cache did not get rid of the problem
    Give a recommendation on how to fix problems with the appearance of this page, what could cause this, how to avoid it, or at least how to completely deactivate immunify360 in the panel​
    Click image for larger version

Name:	noindex-page.png
Views:	336
Size:	22.6 KB
ID:	39532Click image for larger version

Name:	noindex-source.png
Views:	295
Size:	174.4 KB
ID:	39533Click image for larger version

Name:	изображение.png
Views:	296
Size:	40.6 KB
ID:	39534

  • #2

    The message you encountered is related to Imunify's Anti-bot protection:

    Try the following command – it adds search engines to the list of whitelisted crawlers that will not be presented with JS challenge with the message shown on the first screenshot you shared:
    imunify360-agent whitelisted-crawlers add --description Yandex --domains
    To avoid other types of blocks it is required to fully whitelist Yandex subnets.

    As a temporary measure, the Splash Screen can be disabled in the Imunify360 settings or via the CLI:
    imunify360-agent config update '{"WEBSHIELD": {"splash_screen": false}}'​
    More at:


    • #3
      Also, we can see you submitted a ticket to our team but got an automatic reply about the non-found account in our system.

      In case you still have difficulties with the anti-bot protection against Yandex after using the above recommendation, please get back to the ticket and share the CLN account username/email address or the doctor key [] so that our Support Team can assist you further.

