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Restrict users from seeing only specific parameters

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  • Restrict users from seeing only specific parameters

    Hello guys
    We are using CloudLinux on our CPANEL and DirectAmin servers which are using CentOS6.5_86x64 OS architecture.

    We want to restrict users fr om seeing specific parameters in their RESOURCE USAGE section. Lets say we don want to let them see the I/O limit or CONCURRENT process lim it in their end-user panel.

    How to achieve this?

    Kind Regards

  • #2

    There is no easy way to hide parameters from resource usage section, you would need to edit template file directly and do it again after every lve-manager reinstall. But why do you need this?


    • #3
      Dear Bogdan,
      Thank you for your kind attention. Could you please address me what template file do we need to edit? Is there any specific thing that we need to consider while we want to change that?

      Must of my users complaint about the limitations that we apply when they have abuse! We send them warnings but we prefer that they don be able to see which sections they are limited on.
      Thank you for your reply

