Hello Since cpanel version 80 i´m getting this error every day when it wants to run upcp [code type="markup"] The system failed to update to the latest version of cPanel & WHM version 11.80 because it could not install basic requirements for cPanel & WHM. The specific failure was: Sysup: Needed system RPMs were not installed: ImageMagick-devel [/code] I ran : rpm -qa |grep ImageMagick and I got : ImageMagick-perl- ImageMagick- alt-ImageMagick- also I ran : yum search ImageMagick-devel and I got : =========================== Matched: ImageMagick-devel==================================== ImageMagick.x86_64 : An X application for displaying and manipulating images all apparently go fine but the error repeat every day. I saw this in cpanel forums : https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/cp...-devel.653011/ Any update from Cloudlinux about this? Thanks
