The naming convention is not normalized in the interface. Hence very confusing and sometimes contradictory! They dont correspond between the account setup and the graphs, or the tables. SETUP VS GRAPHS * SPEED == > seems to be "CPU Usage. DB usage is not limited, nor accounted for" in the graphs * VMEM == > [This seems not graphed ? ] * PMEM == > Physical Memory Usage - Thats Clear * IO == > seems to be " Input/Output Usage. DB usage is not limited, nor accounted for" * IOPS == >Seem to be the "IO" graph - Man this is confusing with the previous one called IO * EP == > Entry Processes - Pretty Clear * NPROC == > Processes - Somewhat Clear * INODES soft == > [This seems not graphed ? ] * INODES hard == > [This seems not graphed ? ] In terms of UX this is confusing. And I guess generates its lot of support tickets and questions. In terms of development and implementation. It takes about 15 minutes.
I suggest the values and the graphs have the same labels. SETUP VS GRAPHS * SPEED == > SPEED * VMEM == > VMEM * PMEM == > PMEM * IO == > IO * IOPS == > IOPS * EP == > EP * NPROC == > NPROC * INODES soft == > INODES soft * INODES hard == > INODES hard