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Imunify360 Capctha / EU-GDPR

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  • Imunify360 Capctha / EU-GDPR

    There is an problem with Imunify360 and the EU-GDPR. In short way Captchas are solved over Google´s Recaptcha service. So Users Privacy was affected when sending Data to Google Servers. (IP-Adresse, ...) In long way Here (][/url]) you can see your actual "index.html" from the Imunify360 Captcha. On this file we have 3 problems. 1. 2. 3. The recommend way to respect the privacy of your and our users, every time is to load resources only locally! Sure there is an Part to set in our Privacy Policy and tell the users, that this is absolutely necessary, but that is not an solution. We do not want to sent any data that affects the privacy to any concern outside the European Union. So we would like to see: - that you Update this Captcha that is load all resources locally. (For now we changed it ourself. But this is definitely not an solution. There are definitely more Imunify360 Users that were affected in this problem, but not realized it until now.) - Make an alternate Captcha Solution. That will not send any Data to any concerns! Hope you Understand what I mean and where exactly the problem is. My English is not perfect, but I think it would be enough What about the invisible captcha over NGINX? We do not use this at this moment. Will captcha with this solution also solved over Google´s Recaptcha service? PS: Submit Button here in your Forum was not working in Safari.

  • #2
    Cant change the misspelling error on title. Your system says: "Sorry, but the system detected your content as spam". I think its about the links in my post Maybe you can change it that users with x post were expected from this rules.


    • #3
      Are there no interest by your team here? Should I open an support ticket?
      I would really know what you think to change on it.

