It seems Imunify360 4.2.6-4. introduces breaking changes in the CLI for malware scanning. The following worked until the most recent update: [code type="markup"]/usr/bin/imunify360-agent malware on-demand start --intensity low --path /home*/* --no-follow-symlinks[/code] After the update, this fails with the following error: [code type="markup"]imunify360-agent malware on-demand start: error: ambiguous option: --intensity could match --intensity-io, --intensity-cpu, --intensity-ram[/code] The new options are not documented at, which still lists the old --intensity option. This is not the first instance of a feature being broken in this way. There are other features in the documentation which dont match the current behavior, for example "submit false-positive" which requires additional arguments not listed in the documentation. Would it be possible for the development team to avoid making breaking changes to the command line options whenever possible? We are trying to use the CLI to script some very basic actions with your product, for example a periodic scan of all home directories. It is very difficult to do this when the documentation does not accurately describe the product behavior, and we cannot rely on a documented CLI option to work from one version to the next. We use your CLI for this because it supports more fine-grained behavior such as exclude masks which arent supported by the "Background Scanning" feature. IMHO the correct thing to do when introducing the new intensity options, would have been to support the old `--intensity` syntax and translate it to the new functionality. Or if nothing else, accept the old syntax without throwing a fatal error. In the rare situations when an existing feature or syntax is broken or dropped entirely, or where using it as documented will now result in a fatal error, this should get a prominent notice in release notes. Once you have documented a feature, you should assume that your user base is using it and will not be happy if it suddenly breaks without warning. I think these are univerally accepted as best practices for software development and release cycles, so hopefully you can understand my frustration with the change in behavior
