Just installed Imunify on a brand new CL 8.3 server and saw alot of warnings/errors:
Maybee get these checked and fixed?
[2021-02-23 00:55:07] Installing : imunify360-webshield-bundle-1.13-3.11.el8.x86_64 79/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:14] Running scriptlet: imunify360-webshield-bundle-1.13-3.11.el8.x86_64 79/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:14] tr: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] tr: write error [2021-02-23 00:55:14] base64: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] base64: write error [2021-02-23 00:55:14] cat: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] tr: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] tr: write error [2021-02-23 00:55:14] base64: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] base64: write error [2021-02-23 00:55:14] cat: write error: Broken pipe [2021-02-23 00:55:14] net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports = 52223,52224,52227-52235 [2021-02-23 00:55:14] *Error* File does not exist: [/var/imunify360/files/whitelist/v2/paypal.txt] at /sbin/csf line 2297. [2021-02-23 00:55:14] [2021-02-23 00:55:14] Installing : alt-python35-PyMySQL-0.7.11-1.el8.noarch 80/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:27] Running scriptlet: imunify360-ossec-server-3.1.0-87.el8.x86_64 87/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:27] ValueError: File context for /var/ossec/logs(/.*)? is not defined [2021-02-23 00:55:27] [2021-02-23 00:55:28] Running scriptlet: imunify360-firewall-5.4.9-2.x86_64 88/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:28] Installing : imunify360-firewall-5.4.9-2.x86_64 88/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:28] Running scriptlet: imunify360-firewall-5.4.9-2.x86_64 88/88 [2021-02-23 00:55:28] useradd: user _imunify already exists [2021-02-23 00:55:28] chown: cannot access /var/imunify360/imunify360.db*: No such file or directory [2021-02-23 00:55:28] [2021-02-23 00:55:37] CageFS for Imunify has been set up, remounting...