WHMCS provides a script so that you can check the status of all the servers in your network. This script (pasted below) works fine on any server (CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian etc), except those running cloudlinux. It displays the load as 0.00 no matter what the actual load oif the server is.
Is there a way to adapt the script to correctly report the load of servers running CloudLinux?
Is there a way to adapt the script to correctly report the load of servers running CloudLinux?
This file can be uploaded to each of your linux web servers in order to display current load and uptime statistics for the server in the Server Status page of the WHMCS Client Area and Admin Area Homepage */ error_reporting(0); if (ini_get(disable_functions)) { $disabled_funcs=array_map( rim,explode(,,ini_get(disable_functions))); } $action=$_GET["action"]; if ($action=="phpinfo") { /* Uncoment the line below to allow users to view PHP Info for your server. This potentially allows access to information a malicious user could use to find weaknesses in your server. */ #phpinfo(); } else { $users[0]="Unavailable"; $users[1]="--"; $loadnow="Unavailable"; $load15="--"; $load30="--"; if (in_array(exec,$disabled_funcs)) { $load=file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg"); $load=explode( ,$load); $loadnow=$load[0]; $load15=$load[1]; $load30=$load[2]; } else { $reguptime=trim(ex ec("uptime")); if ($reguptime) { if (preg_match("/, *(\d) (users?), .*: (.*), (.*), (.*)/",$reguptime,$uptime)) { $users[0]=$uptime[1]; $users[1]=$uptime[2]; $loadnow=$uptime[3]; $load15=$uptime[4]; $load30=$uptime[5]; } } } if (in_array(shell_exec,$disabled_funcs)) { $uptime_text=file_get_contents("/proc/uptime"); $uptime=substr($uptime_text,0,strpos($uptime_text," ")); } else { $uptime=shell_ex ec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime"); } $days=floor($uptime/60/60/24); $hours=str_pad($uptime/60/60%24,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $mins=str_pad($uptime/60%60,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $secs=str_pad($uptime%60,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); $phpver=phpver sion(); $mysqlver=mysql_get_client_info(); $zendver=zend_ver sion(); echo "<load>$loadnow</load>\n"; echo "<uptime>$days Days $hours:$mins:$secs</uptime>\n"; echo "<phpver>$phpver</phpver>\n"; echo "<mysqlver>$mysqlver</mysqlver>\n"; echo "<zendver>$zendver</zendver>\n"; } ?>