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Using cloudlinux to throttle cpanel backup. What do you think?

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  • Using cloudlinux to throttle cpanel backup. What do you think?


    Weve been having some problems with cpanel backup slowing down responsiveness of our servers, so we looked to see if anyone was using lve_suwrapper to limit the backup processes... and found this:

    Im curious what you think about this. Any possible "gotchas" or issues that might be a problem?


  • #2
    Were the company (Ebridge) that posted the fix mentioned at the cPanel forum.
    Weve been running cpbackup through lve_suwrapper since then without any problem or gotchas at all and heard good stories from other companies.

    I was able to further reduce iowait peaks during backups by applying the deadline IO scheduler (instead of the default cfq scheduler).

    You can change the scheduler immediately by applying the following command to test the results and see if you like it (as "deadline" doesnt seem to always improve iowait, but it works greatly for us)

    echo deadline > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
    (Of course replace sda by your disk name)

    Setting wont stick after reboot, so either set it through grub or put it in a startup script if it works for you.


    • #3
      Have you tried putting the I/O for the backups to 7 under Tweak settings?


      • #4
        In our case setting ionice to 7 for the legacy backup (to ftp) didnt help much, especially when the backup hit large accounts (2-50GB gigabytes), which of course results in huge TARs and massive disk I/O and iowait.

        Maybe theres some kind of misconfiguration on our server that caused ionice to not perform as expected?

        We didnt dig deeper into the ionice-issue however, as using the lve_suwrapper totally solved the problem for us.


        • #5
          Does anyone use that solution with the new cpanel backup system and with the COMPRESSED backups option turned on?
          Im trying to use that, but it takes too much time to create the backups that way.

