My CPU limits never get over 2-8% per account despite taxing a page with 10-20 requests per second.
If you monitor the usage with #dbtop.
That will hit 100%. But the usage displayed by #lvetop will be 2-7%.
I understand the reason, its because the DB queries are not inside the LVE, thus are not contributing to the CPU usage.
If I change the /etc/container/mysql-governor.xml file and set "use" to "all".
I end up with a pages not loading, the PHP page goes defunct and the DB query crashes, or at least, is slowed down the query never finished.
If I Change "use" back to "off" and go:-
# service db_governor restart
The pages instantly finish loading.
Whats causing db_governor to hang pages?
If you monitor the usage with #dbtop.
That will hit 100%. But the usage displayed by #lvetop will be 2-7%.
I understand the reason, its because the DB queries are not inside the LVE, thus are not contributing to the CPU usage.
If I change the /etc/container/mysql-governor.xml file and set "use" to "all".
I end up with a pages not loading, the PHP page goes defunct and the DB query crashes, or at least, is slowed down the query never finished.
If I Change "use" back to "off" and go:-
# service db_governor restart
The pages instantly finish loading.
Whats causing db_governor to hang pages?