1. cP users will create `systemd --user` service units (via cP plugin as well as via SSH).
A sample unit looks like this:
Note that this will not be a global system service, but a user service running under user `theuser` (root user previously ran `loginctl enable-linger theuser`, so it will be long running process and will start automatically on boot).
More about systemd user services in: https://www.unixsysadmin.com/systemd-user-services/
First question is: will LVE limit this kind of service to theusers defined limits?
2. If root creates a global systemd service with that runs under `theuser` (defined in unit file: `User=deepak`), will this service be limited by LVE?
3. If neither of these two methods work with LVE, what would be a recommended way for end-users to have long running processed that behave like daemons (auto-start on system boot and auto-restart on failure) and are controlled by LVE?
OS: Cloudlinux 8
1. cP users will create `systemd --user` service units (via cP plugin as well as via SSH).
A sample unit looks like this:
[theuser@testcpanel ~]$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/some.service [Unit] Description=some service After=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/theuser ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/somebin Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target
More about systemd user services in: https://www.unixsysadmin.com/systemd-user-services/
First question is: will LVE limit this kind of service to theusers defined limits?
2. If root creates a global systemd service with that runs under `theuser` (defined in unit file: `User=deepak`), will this service be limited by LVE?
3. If neither of these two methods work with LVE, what would be a recommended way for end-users to have long running processed that behave like daemons (auto-start on system boot and auto-restart on failure) and are controlled by LVE?
OS: Cloudlinux 8