Hello, Im not sure the is the right question for this forum, but...
I have two hosting providers. One provider is running FreeBSD and PHP as Apache module (provider1).
The second provider runs CloudLinux with cPanel (provider2).
I have .htaccess in my DocumentRoot:
In this file (page.php) I have the code:
On the first provider everything is OK, 200 is returned.
On the second provider with cloudLinux and cPanel - we have 404 code as the result. But if I change code to
We have 202 code as the result.
But the same time if
We have 404 code as the result.
It seems to me its kind of a feature of mod_lsapi. is it? Could not find the proper documentation about this...
I have two hosting providers. One provider is running FreeBSD and PHP as Apache module (provider1).
The second provider runs CloudLinux with cPanel (provider2).
I have .htaccess in my DocumentRoot:
ErrorDocument 404 /page.php
<?php header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); ?> Test
On the second provider with cloudLinux and cPanel - we have 404 code as the result. But if I change code to
<?php header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 202 Some test", true, 202); ?> Test
But the same time if
<?php header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 200 Some test", true, 200); ?> Test
It seems to me its kind of a feature of mod_lsapi. is it? Could not find the proper documentation about this...