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disable versions alt-php in the "MultiPHP Manager"

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  • #16
    in the past, ive used the WHM feature manager to disable the MultiPHP option in cPanel, for end users. i wasnt immediately aware of it, but that action resulted in the WordPress 1-click install to not work. when i reached out to support, i was told that MultiPHP had to remain enabled.

    so, as months have passed since then... is it now okay to disable MultiPHP manager in the features for cPanel end users?

    i have to admit, having 2 different PHP select type options in cPanel is *VERY* confusing for end users. especially for those who arent experienced with CloudLInux selector... OR those who use other cPanel instances w/o CloudLinux, as their only experience is changing PHP version using cPanels MultiPHP tool.

    for simplicitys sake, id like to suggest that CloudLinux removes cPanels MultiPHP manager, or at least gives the option to hide it for end users. ive had problems with this feature for years now, and (by what im reading in this thread) its still causing confusion for end users and admins alike.


    • #17
      > in the past, ive used the WHM feature manager to disable the MultiPHP option in cPanel, for end users. i wasnt immediately aware of it, but that action resulted in the WordPress 1-click install to not work. when i reached out to support, i was told that MultiPHP had to remain enabled.
      > so, as months have passed since then... is it now okay to disable MultiPHP manager in the features for cPanel end users?
      > i have to admit, having 2 different PHP select type options in cPanel is *VERY* confusing for end users. especially for those who arent experienced with CloudLInux selector... OR those who use other cPanel instances w/o CloudLinux, as their only experience is changing PHP version using cPanels MultiPHP tool.
      > for simplicitys sake, id like to suggest that CloudLinux removes cPanels MultiPHP manager, or at least gives the option to hide it for end users. ive had problems with this feature for years now, and (by what im reading in this thread) its still causing confusion for end users and admins alike.

      Hello Shannon,
      You can do so by editing the /opt/alt/alt-php-config/alt-php.cfg file.
      Once you edit it, run the /opt/alt/alt-php-config/ script; it manages SCL prefixes for the Alt-PHP in /etc/scl/prefixes.
      In this example, we keep the alt-php72 visible in the list only:

      [MultiPHP Manager]
      alt-php44 = no
      alt-php51 = no
      alt-php52 = no
      alt-php53 = no
      alt-php54 = no
      alt-php55 = no
      alt-php56 = no
      alt-php70 = no
      alt-php71 = no
      alt-php72 = yes
      Please let us know if you have any questions.
      Thanks in advance!


      • #18
        so, what im gathering is that we users are talking about one aspect of MultiPHP... while CL staff are referring to another aspect of MultiPHP. Heres a screenshot of what Im referring to. [attachment]Screenshot 2020-05-13 09.37.42.png[/attachment] - Disabling MultiPHP Manager in WHM will hide it from users - Editing alt-php.cfg will control what alt-php versions that users can choose from (assuming MultiPHP option is still available) BUT, having 2 cPanel choices for selecting a PHP version is *very* confusing for end-users. (as seen in the screenshot above) Id recommend a simple method to hide cPanels MultiPHP selector from cPanel end-users. (see screenshot below). [attachment]Screenshot 2020-05-13 09.46.52.png[/attachment] Possibly a checkbox option, within: - LVE Manager > Options "Disable cPanels native MultiPHP option from end user interface." IMO, the feature selector within WHM isnt the most intuitive... especially if hiding the MultiPHP functionality also breaks the WP Manager functionality in the process. (I mentioned above that hiding it previously created this issue. I havent recently checked if it still happens.)


        • #19
          Hello Shannon,
          Also, if you configured PHP Selector, we recommend disabling MultiPHP Manager for users. You can do that in Home » Packages » Feature Manager » Feature Lists » Manage feature list » select Default and uncheck the box for MultiPHP INI Editor and MultiPHP Manager. This will stop your customers from seeing MultiPHP Manager/Editor which can be very confusing.
          Thank you

