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cPanel+LiteSpeed+CageFs not working CL6

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  • humzabobat
    I am aware that Im digging an old topic up but it still seems to be relevant.

    Did you actually get to the bottom of this issue? Im now getting it and am out of ideas.

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  • avolkov
    Did you try to increase "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" setting in LiteSpeed configuration (and then restart LiteSpeed) ?

    I am not sure what might be causing the issue.

    Please, contact our support at with server access info, so we could check.

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  • netwayweb
    Increase of limits does not work either. The problem is not for a particular account, all of hosted accounts doesn work when CageFs is enabled.

    We have another server where CageFs+Litespeed is working perfectly.

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  • avolkov
    Could you please increase "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" setting in LiteSpeed configuration ?

    Also, could you please try to increase maxEntryProcs (Concurrent Connections) limit for that account (LVE)?

    If this will not solve the issue, please post request to the CloudLinux support.

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  • netwayweb
    LiteSpeed with Lve/no Lve works fine but as soon as i enable CageFs in LiteSpeed Admin it just does not work. LiteSpeed logs start filling up :-

    2012-08-02 00:59:03.979	INFO	Remove pid: 858631, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.984	INFO	Remove pid: 858632, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.988	INFO	Remove pid: 858633, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.993	INFO	Remove pid: 858634, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.998	INFO	Remove pid: 858635, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:04.008	INFO	Remove pid: 858636, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:13.086	NOTICE	[APVH_*****ts_Suphp:] Increase effective max connections to 2.
    2012-08-02 00:59:13.093	INFO	Remove pid: 858638, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:13.093	NOTICE	[******] LVE limit is reached, reduce max connections to: 1.
    2012-08-02 00:58:55.813	INFO	Remove pid: 858396, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:58:55.813	NOTICE	[*********.info] LVE limit is reached, reduce max connections to: 0.
    2012-08-02 00:58:58.071	NOTICE	[APVH_patriot_Suphp:] stop worker processes
    2012-08-02 00:58:58.074	NOTICE	[APVH_deplscom_Suphp:] stop worker processes
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.030	NOTICE	[APVH_patriot_Suphp:] Increase effective max connections to 1.
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.043	INFO	Remove pid: 858409, exitcode: 123
    2012-08-02 00:59:03.047	INFO	Remove pid: 858410, exitcode: 123

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  • netwayweb
    started a topic cPanel+LiteSpeed+CageFs not working CL6

    cPanel+LiteSpeed+CageFs not working CL6

    LiteSpeed does not work when CageFs is enabled in Litepseed config.