Hello all,
We have server with Centos 6.8 + cPanel v62 + Cloudlinux + Cagefs.
We have added custom vhost to the system in /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/post_virtualhost_global.conf with the following content:
This vhost is executed with user1 permissions.
We need this vhost/user have access to /home/*/public_html dirs via web (read and write files there). Is this possible and how can be achieved if possible?
We have server with Centos 6.8 + cPanel v62 + Cloudlinux + Cagefs.
We have added custom vhost to the system in /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/post_virtualhost_global.conf with the following content:
<VirtualHost IP_ADDRESS:80> ServerName domain.example.com DocumentRoot /var/www/test <IfModule suphp_module> suPHP_UserGroup user1 user1 </IfModule> <IfModule suexec_module> <IfModule !mod_ruid2.c> SuexecUserGroup user1 user1 </IfModule> </IfModule> <Directory /var/www/test> AllowOverride all Options Indexes FollowSymlinks DirectoryIndex index.php index.html Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost>
We need this vhost/user have access to /home/*/public_html dirs via web (read and write files there). Is this possible and how can be achieved if possible?