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Files will be sent to ImunifyAV you can change this behavior in settings

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  • Files will be sent to ImunifyAV you can change this behavior in settings

    On the latest scan, imunifyAV said a folder of 599 files was infected as a false positive.

    When I click the button to "Add to ignore list and send False Positive" to add these to the ignore list, it says "files will be sent to ImunifyAV team... you can change this behavior in settings."

    I do not see a place to change this in settings. Where is this option to not send files back to imunifyAV?
  • Answer selected by alevchenko at 02-03-2025, 11:46 AM.

    Sorry for misinforming you, I understand your concerns.

    Try disabling the following options in Settings > Malware > General:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	22
Size:	13.6 KB
ID:	40478


    • #2

      As I understand, you mean the following option:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	ignore-option.png
Views:	26
Size:	21.9 KB
ID:	40469
      Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.​

      This feature has been implemented to allow our developers to analyze the files submitted through the Ignore option. If these files are confirmed as false positives, the existing malware signature database will be updated accordingly. This process ensures that our malware signatures are accurately triggered for genuine malicious files. We would recommend using this option.

      Alternatively, you can use the Ignore List tab which allows ignoring a specific file or a directory:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	add-entry-ignore.png
Views:	24
Size:	33.1 KB
ID:	40470
      Click image for larger version

Name:	add-file-ignore.png
Views:	26
Size:	25.8 KB
ID:	40471​​


      • #3
        OK, thanks.

        The message returned that "files will be sent to ImunifyAV team... you can change this behavior in settings." should be eliminated if it's not possible to change this in settings. I thought there must be some other settings page I was not seeing that had that option.

        The false positives in this case were all imagemagic binaries in archive imagemagick directories that had been compiled under one of my hosting accounts. (599 imagemagick binary files)

        I can understand the reasoning behind wanting to see files which are false positives in terms of improving imunify, but I don't like that there isn't a setting for this because I feel submitting all files to another location to ignore them with the ignore button without me checking each one could accidentally violate our privacy policy -- if for example a customer data file or email file were accidentally submitted by clicking the ignore, without their consent.


        • #4
          Sorry for misinforming you, I understand your concerns.

          Try disabling the following options in Settings > Malware > General:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	22
Size:	13.6 KB
ID:	40478


          • #5
            Sorry for the simple question, but with imunifyAV included with cloudinux 9, where exactly do I find Settings > Malware > General ?

            I don't seem to have this menu option.

            Under the Gear Icon, Settings General tab, at the bottom it says "Error reporting Enable Sentry error reporting Send reports to Imunify AV error report srver" but there is no checkbox to enable/disable and I don't see an option for "Automatically send suspicious and malicious files for analysis". Where is this option exactly?



            • #6
              This option and its location are described here:


              • #7
                I don't have that option in the ImunifyAV that installed with cloudlinux9.

                Under General, the top option is "Enable RapdiScan" [x] on mine.

                The option in the faq "Automatically send suspicious and malicious files for analysis [x}" is not there on mine. Is this only available for certain versions, or is there a setting to enable this checkbox to appear under the gear settings -> General -> General tab?


                • #8

                  The option was implemented quite a long time ago, so if you are using some recent version, it should be available.

                  Do you have a free ImunifyAV version? I've run both free and paid installations in a lab environment and I can see it is available for ImunifyAV+ only:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 13.24.16.png
Views:	6
Size:	108.9 KB
ID:	40502Click image for larger version

Name:	image 2.png
Views:	5
Size:	106.9 KB
ID:	40503

